Wednesday, August 03, 2011

I read this book about two months ago and am finally getting around to posting it.  It was given to me by my father and step-mother (who is herself a pastor).  

Honestly, I am not a huge Swindoll fan.   I like his preaching and he is clearly a man after God's heart and has an almost contagious love for people, so i have no complaints against him personally or his ministry.  I just don't go out of my way to listen to him or read his books.

This is the first one (and probably the last) I have ever read.   Strangely it reads like he preaches.  Really. If you read it out loud you may even be able to sound like him! (I write that with a smile).

His message is important though and for that reason alone it is worth recommending.   He also covers a number of subjects in a way that the average  layperson can follow along and he does it without picking on anyone or making wild accusations.   In other words, he speaks in love.

I've been asked to preach of late.  Preaching, for me, is one of the greatest joys of my life.  The study, the searching, the prayer, all make for a wonderful adventure with God.   But I see a great need for improvement and so I keep my eye out for anything that may help towards that end.   This book was given to me by my pastor in a stack of about thirty or forty other books he was getting rid of.   I must say this was not only instructional, the quotes Whitesell gives were devotional and inspirational to say the least.   Very enjoyable.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

"Life in Tow"

Running ahead
From morning to bed,
timeless truths

Smelling the rose
hearing the prose
only vapors

Seeing myself
high on a shelf
caught in the ebb
and flow

All looks bleak,
less than sleek,
when one has life
in tow.

Clearly I haven't posted in a while. I'm finally getting around to organizing my blogs. The trick is finding the time to make coherent, useful posts without wasting everyone's time. Sort of like this post is doing right now.